March 10, 2013

Role Reversal book now available

A project that has truly been a labor of love, my book, Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom, is finally finished and is now available to the public.

Nearly three years in the making, Role Reversal is based on the creation of what I call a Results Only Learning Environment, or ROLE. If you've read this blog at all, you are likely familiar with the concept of results-only learning -- a system that eliminates all traditional teaching methods, in favor of a student-centered, progressive classroom.

Gone are lecture, worksheets, homework, class discipline and even grades. Role Reversal provides evidence of success from many leading education researchers, practical experience of the author, yours truly, and, most important, anecdotal support from the ROLE's most treasured stakeholders -- students.

Please check out Role Reversal today, and feel free to add a review to one of the linked sites below or to this post.

I truly believe Role Reversal can change teachers' lives, much as transforming my classroom changed my life and the lives of my students.

Don't miss Mark's book ROLE Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom, now available in the ASCD store, Barnes & Noble and at

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